Tips & Strategies
The loan process was fast and efficient. We borrowed enough from our home equity to consolidate debts, lower the interest payments; and finish some home renovations. Keep up the excellent work.
Muhamad S., Mississauga, Ontario
Take advantage of our teleseminar series and learn from the professionals how you can leverage the equity value of your home to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams.

Teleseminar Videos

The Capital Direct Teleseminar Series was initiated with you in mind. Each seminar presents you with the opportunity to ask a professional for their advice and to join in sharing their secrets to successful living.

Maximize Your Effectiveness

Maximize Your Effectiveness
Time is precious. What could you do with just one
more hour a day?

Learn the art of managing time and realize
more of it is available for the people and
activities that add the most value to your life.

Business Ownership Is The Ultimate Investment

Maximize Your Effectiveness
Having your own business is not only liberating, it is a giant step towards financial independence. In this tele-seminar, we'll look at the financial, tax and personal advantages as well as how home equity financing can accelerate the growth of your business.

Financing An Investment Property With A Home Equity Loan

Maximize Your Effectiveness
Discover some of the tips offered by Douglas Gray, a leading expert and author of several books related to this topic, you can view a snippet of the tele-seminar here and now!